Pdf Christopher Columbus And The Discovery Of The Americas (Explorers Of New Lands)

Logical Solutions to Architectural Challenges

Pdf Christopher Columbus And The Discovery Of The Americas (Explorers Of New Lands)

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Architecture Services in Colorado, California and Arizona

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Past and present projects include: commercial, industrial, medical, religious, educational, multi-family and single residential projects. The firms demographic work area is Colorado, Central California and parts of Arizona. Rom Mazzeo and Associates has CAD capabilities and PC-based technology for us in design, development and construction documentation. Today 100% of all projects undertaken by the firm are developed on its state-of-the-art CAD system. Through the years, Ron Mazzeo and Associated has developed longstanding and productive relationships with our clients. They in turn have shown their confidence in service we provide, with repeat business that accounts for 70% of the firms annual work. Ron Mazzeo and Associates to date, has not failed to complete any of their major projects on time and within the established requirements.

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Past and present projects include: commercial, industrial, medical, religious, educational, multi-family and single residential projects. The firms demographic work area is Colorado, Central California and parts of Arizona. Rom Mazzeo and Associates has CAD capabilities and PC-based technology for us in design, development and construction documentation. Today 100% of all projects undertaken by the firm are developed on its state-of-the-art CAD system. Through the years, Ron Mazzeo and Associated has developed longstanding and productive relationships with our clients. They in turn have shown their confidence in service we provide, with repeat business that accounts for 70% of the firms annual work. Ron Mazzeo and Associates to date, has not failed to complete any of their major projects on time and within the established requirements.

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The firm has completed projects in Salida Colorado, Buena Vista Colorado, Beaver Creek Colorado, Breckenridge Colorado, Summit County, Fresno California, San Joaquin Valley, Central California, and Phoenix Arizona. Ron Mazzeo holds the following licenses: Architect Colorado, Architect California, and Architect Arizona.